Use "was overdrawn|be overdrawn" in a sentence

1. The account was overdrawn by $700.

2. Overdraw a heavily overdrawn account.

3. The account is not overdrawn.

4. Security may be required to back an overdrawn account.

5. Your bank account was overdrawn to the extent of one thousand pounds.

6. A Barclaycard was presented at a Mothercare shop but that card was overdrawn.

7. Please remember though to ask us before going overdrawn.

8. AIB charged interest in the amount of # for the time Eleject's account was overdrawn

9. You have overdrawn your card by several hundred thousand...

10. They were overdrawn by £ so they couldn't write any cheques.

11. If you are overdrawn, there's a $25 fee to pay.

12. A situation which has provoked much controversy is the bank declining a cheque/Direct Debit, levying a fee which takes the customer overdrawn and then charging them for going overdrawn.

13. I have been charged twice in one month for one small overdrawn amount.

14. Her student loan ran out earlier last month and she is now £500 overdrawn.

15. The Gold Cheque Account provides preferential interest rates on both credit and overdrawn balances.

16. The festival identity was also worked out and shown in as part of an abstract overdrawn logo on book spines and trimmings.

17. Any strapped corporation or overdrawn householder knows that pushing a liability several years into the future is money saved.

18. Lord Alexander is against the Government's policy of a spending-led recovery and accused overdrawn customers of behaving like thieves.

19. An overdraft, instead of being viewed as an emergency credit, has become an “absolute necessity” for the 3.5 million Britons who are permanently overdrawn.

20. Overdraft Protection With overdraft protection, the financial institution covers the amount overdrawn in a chequing account by advancing the funds (usually up to a specified limit).

21. “To those who have heard all their lives that people in China or Armenia, or some place else were starving, such dire predictions may seem overdrawn and unnecessarily alarmist.

22. You always need to make sure you have the total of the bill in your account for when the automatic withdrawal hits , or else your account will be overdrawn and you will be responsible for any fees or interest incurred .

23. It was wise to be happy, she believed, whereas he was complacent to be wise.

24. Revolution was to be feared.

25. This was expected to be approved, but was tabled.

26. It was meant to be.

27. He was to be contrite and wish to be reconciled.

28. However, that freedom was not to be absolute, that is, without limitations, but was to be relative.

29. He was not one who was inclined to be querulous.

30. It was barbarous to be happy when Edmund was suffering.

31. I was sad, I was confused, and I'll be honest -- I was angry.

32. Dancing was believed to be sinful.

33. He was adjudged to be guilty.

34. “It was thrilling to be adored.

35. Andropov was rumoured to be ill.

36. It was Tigress'turn to be nonplussed.

37. I was thrilled to be invited.

38. Purism was to be unsullied by ornament, fantasy or individuality and was to be inspired by the machine.

39. Unlike the courtesy book, which was intended to be read, the Chivalric romance was intended to be performed orally

40. The position was now to be reviewed to ascertain whether production was at last to be increased and sustained.

41. I was asked to be the accompanist.

42. To be honest, it was relatively painless.

43. Their happiness was to be sadly transient.

44. Badolato was supposed to be a trailblazer.

45. Her prophecy was proved to be correct.

46. The contract was stated to be invalid.

47. It was to be uncluttered beautifully bare.

48. I was just trying to be affable.

49. His dream was to be a teacher.

50. Buddy Ken was claimed to be invincible.

51. This operation was to be conducted discreetly.

52. Janice was to be made a scapegoat.

53. The policy was thought to be inoperable.

54. Nobody said this was gonna be easy.

55. He was convicted to be a felon.

56. He was reputed to be a millionaire.

57. He was destined to be an actor.

58. It was pleasant to be alone again.

59. She was rumoured to be a millionaire.

60. The marriage was held to be valid.

61. What was there to be afraid of?

62. She was quiet, trying to be strong.

63. He was anxious not to be misunderstood.

64. 17 It was waiting to be plundered.

65. The evidence was held to be inadmissible.

66. He was determined to be remembered, immortalized.

67. She was a psychic who was later revealed to be a fraud.

68. Merring was adamant there'd be no autopsy.

69. He was too upset to be rational.

70. She was young enough to be malleable.

71. Don't be upset;I was only joking.

72. I was still striving to be successful.

73. His greatest comeback was yet to be.

74. Bobby was too happy to be bothered.

75. Segregation was supposed to be "separate but equal", but it was not.

76. I was expecting him to be furious but he was very restrained.

77. His initial aspiration was unwavering; he was determined to be a doctor.

78. If there was, and that was the whole story, so be it.

79. It was provisionally agreed that 12 August was to be the date.

80. Cantor was elated; a potentially devastating situation was about to be defused.